Oracle Cloud EPM Data Management Multi Currency Load
Sarah Ansell
Brovanture Consultant
By default, Oracle Cloud EPM Data Management assumes that the currencies will be associated with the Entity or Location when loading any data into Oracle Cloud EPM Planning.
However, there are scenarios where users may wish to upload a data file that contains multiple currencies with the currency being defined in the file itself.
In order for Oracle Data Management to map or read these currencies, there are a couple of set up steps that will be necessary.
Below are the simple steps and these can be performed within Oracle Data Management or Oracle Data Exchange – Data Integration:
Step 1: Ensure that the Currency dimension is set to ‘Generic’ and add a Data Table Column Name
Oracle Data Exchange
- Click Actions -> Applications
- Create a new Target Application or click the name of an existing application.
- For the Currency dimension, change the Dimension Classification drop down from ‘Currency’ to ‘Generic’.
- Select a Data Table Column Name e.g. UD7, ensuring it is not already in use by another dimension.
- Click Save
Oracle Data Management
- Navigate to Target Application and for the chosen application and the Currency dimension set the Target Dimension Class to Generic rather than Currency.
Create a new Target Application if necessary, so as not to impact other loads which are linked to this application. - Type in a Data Table Column Name e.g. UD7, I choose the next available number after looking at the current names.
Step 2: Map Dimensions / Import Format
Since the currency dimension has been changed to Generic, it will now appear within the Map Dimensions (Data Import Format) area.
Enter the column number that corresponds with the data source file column for the Currency row.
Continue creating the remainder of your Import Format as usual.
Step 3: Check – Functional Currency setting should be left as default: [NONE]
In Data Exchange, this setting will be in the General tab -> Location Attributes section when editing your Integration.
In Data Management, this setting will be defined within the Location.
Step 4: Map Members / Data Load Mappings
Within the map members setting in Data Exchange, the Currency dimension will now be available to map.
If your source data file contains the exact currency names as per your application, then create a simple Like mapping of * to *. Otherwise, map the currencies as required.
Until next time
More post by Sarah can be found on her blogspot page HERE